Recruitment System

AIM: To create an automated system to perform the Recruitment System Process.

(I) Procedure: Problem statement

The recruitment system allows the job seeker to overview the job opportunity through Advertisement and helps to apply for the job. The organization shortlists the applicants for the interview. The shortlisted applicants undergo through a process of Test and Interview. The HR department selects the Applicant based on the performance in the Test and Interview. Finally, the recruited applicants are informed. This system makes the task of the job seeker easier rather than waiting in queue for enrollment. This also reduces the time consumption for both the job seeker and organization.

(II)Software requirement specification


Recruitment System is an interface between the Applicant and the Organization responsible for the Recruitment. It aims at improving the efficiency in the Recruitment process and reduces the complexities involved in it to the maximum possible extent.


If the entire process of ‘Recruitment’ is done in a manual manner then it would take several days for the recruitment. Considering the fact that the number of applicants for recruitment is increasing every year, an Automated System becomes essential to meet the demand. So this system uses several programming and database techniques to elucidate the work involved in this process.


  • The System provides an online interface to the user where they can fill in their personal details and apply for the job.
  • The Organization (HR-Department) concerned with their recruitment process can make use of this system to reduce their workload and process the application in a speedy manner.

Definitions, acronyms and the abbreviations

  • Organization: Refers to the super user who is the Central Authority with the privilege to manage the entire system. It can be any higher official in the HR department.
  • Applicant: One who wishes to apply for the job.
  • RS: Refers to this Recruitment System.
  • HTML: Markup Language used for creating web pages.
  • J2EE: Java2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform java platform for developing and running distributed java applications.
  • HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  • TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the communication protocol used to connect hosts on the Internet.

Technologies to be used

  • HTML
  • JSP
  • JavaScript
  • Java

Tools to be used

  • Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Rational Rose tool (for developing UML Patterns)


SRS includes two sections: overall description and specific requirements. Overall Description will describe the major role of the system components and inter-connections. Specific Requirements will describe roles & functions of the actors.

Overall description

Product perspective

The SRS acts as an interface between the “Applicant” and the ‘Organization’. This system tries to make the interface as simple as possible and at the same time not risking the security of data stored in. This minimizes the time duration for the recruitment process.

Software interface

  • Front End Client: The Applicants and Organization online interface is built using JSP and HTML. The Administrators’ local interface is built using Java.
  • Web Server: Glassfish application server (SQL Corporation).
  • Back End: SQL

Hardware interface

These are directly connected to the client systems. The client systems have access to the database in the server.

System functions

  • The applicant views the jobs through Advertisement.
  • Applicants apply for the job.
  • Test and Interview are conducted.
  • Recruited Applicants are informed.
  • HR Manager can generate reports from the information and he/she is the only authorized personnel to add the eligible application information to the database.

User characteristics

  • Applicant: These are the persons who desire to apply for the job.
  • Organization: These are the persons with certain privileges to announce recruitment depending upon the organization need. He/She may contain a group of persons under him/her to publish advertisement and give suggestions whether or not to approve the recruitment.
  • HR: He/She is the person who, upon receiving intimation from the RS, performs a personal verification of the applicants and sees if he/she has eligibility for the advertised job through a process of Test and Interview.


  • The Applicants require a computer to submit their information.

Assumptions and dependencies

  • The Applicants and HR must have basic knowledge of computers and English Language.

(III) Use case diagram

The Recruitment system use cases are:

  1. Advertisement
  2. Apply for job
  3. Test
  4. Interview
  5. Recruit Applicants

Actors involved

Actors are as follows:

  1. Applicant
  2. Organization
  3. HR

Actors documentation

  • Applicant: Applicant is an actor who applies for the job vacancy. If he/she gets selected, then the HR department sends the Interview call letter.
  • HR: HR is an actor who informs about the vacancy to their Organization. HR recruits the applicants based on the required skill for the vacant position and shortlists them. HR is also responsible for Interview Scheduling.
  • Organization: Organization is an actor who announces the Advertisement for vacancy.

Use-Case name: Advertisement

Description: This Use Case is initiated by Organization. Notifies about the required job vacancies.

Flow of Events:

  1. HR informs about vacancy to Organization.
  2. Organization announces the vacancy.

Pre-Condition: Vacancy must exist.
Post-Condition: Details about the vacancy are informed.

Use case: Apply For job

Description: This Use Case is initiated by Applicants. Online forms are filled by the Applicants and submitted to the organization.

Flow of Events:

  1. HR processes the filled forms.
  2. HR selects the list of eligible Applicants.

Pre-Condition: Online form must exist.
Post-Condition: Forms filled are stored in an Information System for processing. The filled forms are sent to the HR. The HR produces the list of eligible Applicants.

Use case: Select Applicants For Interview

Description: This Use Case is initiated by HR. The lists of selected Applicants are informed. The Test and Interviews are conducted by the HR of the region that has the vacancy.

Flow of Events:

  1. HR schedules the interview process.
  2. HR conducts test and interview for the applicant via online system.
  3. Those who clear the interview process are selected.

Pre-Condition: Applicants must meet eligibility criteria.
Post Condition: Applicants clear interview process OR don’t clear interview process.

Use case: Test

Description: This Use Case is initiated by the HR. A test will be conducted by the HR.

Flow of Events:

  1. The applicants undergo the Test.
  2. He/She clear or not clear the Test.

Pre-Condition: Applicant is selected for the Test.
Post-Condition: Applicant clear or not clear the Test.

Use case: Interview

Description: This Use Case is initiated by the HR. An Interview will be conducted by the HR.

Flow of Events:

  1. The applicants undergo the Interview process.
  2. He/She clear or not clear the Interview.

Pre-Condition: Applicant is selected for the Interview.
Post-Condition: Applicant clear or not clear the Interview.


Description: This Use Case is initiated by the HR. The selected applicants are recruited by HR.

Flow of Events:

  1. The applicants clear the Test.
  2. The applicants clear the Interview.

Pre-Condition: Applicant is selected for the Test and Interview.
Post-Condition: Applicant clears Test and Interview.

Use case Diagram For Recruitment System
Use case Diagram For Recruitment System

Activity Diagram

The activity diagram represents the series of activities that are occurring between the objects. Following is the activity diagram which represents the recruitment process.

Activity Diagram For Recruitment System
Activity Diagram For Recruitment System

Class diagram

The UML class diagram illustrates class interfaces and their actions. They are used for static object modeling. The problem domain describes the structure and the relationships among objects.

The Recruitment system class diagram consists of five classes:

  1. Applicant class
  2. Organization class
  3. HR Department class
  4. Advertisement class
  5. Recruitment class

Applicant class

It consists of eight attributes and two operations. The attributes are:

  • Appl-id
  • Appl-name
  • Appl-DOB
  • Appl-Gender
  • Appl-Qualification
  • Appl-phone
  • Appl-email id
  • Appl-addr

The operations of this class are:

  • view jobs()
  • Apply()

Organization Class

The attributes of this class are:

  • Org-name
  • Org-Ph-No
  • Org-Addr

The operations of this class are:

  • HR-Dept()
  • Mkt-Dept()
  • Account-Dept()

HR Department Class

The attributes of this class are:

  • Emp-id
  • Emp-name
  • Emp-DOB
  • Emp-Gender
  • Emp-Phone
  • Emp-email id
  • Emp-addr

The operations are:

  • Planning()
  • Policies()
  • Strategies()

Advertisement class

The attributes of this class are:

  • Adv-No
  • Adv-Name
  • Adv-description

The operation is:

  • display()

Recruitment class

The attributes are:

  • Rec-Designation
  • Rec-Total candidate

The operation is:

  • recruit()
    Class Diagram For Recruitment System
    Class Diagram For Recruitment System
  • A sequence diagram illustrates a kind of format in which each object interacts via message. It is generalize between two or more specialized diagram.
    Sequence Diagram For Recruitment System
    Sequence Diagram For Recruitment System
  • Communication diagram illustrate that object interact on a graph or network format. In collaboration diagram the object can be placed in any where on the diagram. The collaboration comes from sequence diagram.
    Collaboration Diagram For Recruitment System
    Collaboration Diagram For Recruitment System

State Chart Diagram

Every object undergoes some state, and on receiving some event, the state gets changed. This transition of the state can be represented by the state transition diagram.

State Chart Diagram For Recruitment System
State Chart Diagram For Recruitment System

Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a system where the software components are deployed.

Deployment Diagram
Deployment Diagram

Component Diagram

Component diagrams are used to visualize the organization and relationships among components in a system.

Component Diagram
Component Diagram