E-Ticketing System

Aim: To create an automated system to perform E-ticketing.

Procedure: (I) Problem Statement

Our project is carried out to develop software for online Rail way Reservation System. This system has various options like reservation, cancellation and to view details about available seats. Our project mainly simulates the role of a Railway ticket booking officer, in a computerized way.

The reservation option enables a person to reserve for a ticket at their home itself. All he/she has to do is to just log in and enter the required details. After this the

reservation database is updated with the person details, train name and also the source and destination place.

The cancellation option enables the passenger to cancel the tickets that has been already booked by him/her.

The availability option prompts the person to enter train number, train name and date of travel. After this the availability database is accessed and available positions are produced.

(II)Software requirement  specification


The manual system of ticket reservation takes more time and the number of reservations per day is limited. To increase the efficiency of the process, we go for online ticket reservation system. This system supports online ticket booking.


If the entire process of reservation is done in a manual manner then it would takes several months for reservation to reach the applicant. Considering the fact that the number of passenger is increasing every year, an Automated System becomes essential to meet the demand. So this system uses several programming and database techniques to elucidate the work involved in this process. As this is a matter of National Security, the system has been carefully verified and validated in order to satisfy it.


  • The System provides an online interface to the user where they can fill in their personal details and submit the necessary documents (may be by scanning).
  • The authority concerned with the issue of railway can use this system to reduce his workload and process the application in a speedy manner.
  • Provide a communication platform between the passenger and the
  • Passenger will come to know their status of application and the date in which they must subject themselves for manual document verification.

Definitions, Acronyms And The Abbreviations

  • Passenger – The person that who wishes to obtain the railway
  • PNR–Passenger Name Records
  • HTML –Markup Language used for creating web
  • J2EE–Java2EnterpriseEditionisaprogrammingplatform java platform for developing and running distributed java applications.
  • HTTP– Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  • TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the communication protocol used to connect hosts on the Internet.

Technologies to Be used

  • HTML
  • JSP
  • Java script
  • Java

Tools to be used

  • Eclipse IDE(Integrated Development Environment)
  • Rational Rose tool (for developing UML Patterns)


SRS includes two sections overall description and specific requirements–

Overall Description will describe major role of the system components and inter- connections.

Specific Requirements will describe roles & functions of the actors.

Overall Description

Product perspective

This system tries to make the interface as simple as possible and at the same time not asking the security of data stored in. This minimizes the time duration in which the user receives the ticket.

Software interface

  • Front End Client – The passenger and System The Administrators’s local interface is built using Java.
  • Web Server–Apache Tom cat Server (Oracle Corporation)
  • Back End -Oracle11gdatabase

Hardware Interface

The server is directly connected to the client systems. The client system have access to the data base in the server.

System Functions

  • Secure Registration on fin formation by the System can generate reports from the information and is the only authorized personnel to add the eligible application information to the database.
  • Display the requested pages to the
  • Update the database after every successful

User characteristics

Passenger – They are the people who desire to obtain the ticket and submit the information to the database.


  • The passengers require a computer to submit their
  • Although the security is given high importance, there is always a chance of intrusion in the web world which requires constant monitoring.
  • The user has to be careful while submitting the information .Much care is

Assumptions And Dependencies

The Passengers must have basic knowledge of computers and English Language. The passengers may be required to scan the documents and send.

(III) Use-Case diagram

The online ticket reservation system uses the following use cases:

  1. Request for seat availability
  2. Make Reservation
  3. Cancellation
  4. Check status
  5. Print ticket

Actors Involved:

  • System
  • Passenger

Use-Case Name: Request  For Seat Availability

The passenger can view the train available in the database for deciding which train ticket he wishes to reserve. The passenger can search the train information based on journey date, train type and reservation type. The passenger can view the details of flights such as, train number, source station, destination station, arrival time, departure time, fare and number of seats available.

Use-Case name: Make Reservation

The user is allowed to reserve a ticket on train as he/she requires on the particular date and time. The user has to provide details such as name, train number, date of travel, source station, destination station, proof name and money transaction details.

Use-Case name: Print Ticket

The user after booking a ticket can print a copy of the ticket reserved. The user has to provide the details about ticket number for searching in the database and passenger name for confirming passenger identity.

Use-Case name: Cancel Ticket

A passenger can decide to cancel a ticket after the ticket is booked. The passenger has to provide details about ticket for searching and details about him for confirmation of identity.

Use-Case name: Check Status

The passenger can view the status of the reserved tickets. So the passenger can confirm his/her travel.

Use-Case Diagram For Airline Reservation
Use-Case Diagram For Airline Reservation

Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of step wise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-by- step workflows of components in a system. An activity diagram shows the overall flow of control. An activity is shown as an rounded box containing the name of the operation.

This activity diagram describes the behavior of the system.

  • First state is login where the passenger login to the E-Ticketing
  • The next state is filling details the passenger are used to fill the
  • Then passenger used to selecting the
  • The passenger appears for book ticket and search details from E- Ticketing Data Base.
Activity Diagram[Check Availability]
Activity Diagram[Check Availability]
Activity Diagram[Check Status]
Activity Diagram[Check Status]

Class Diagram:

The class diagram, also referred to as object modeling is the main static analysis diagram. The main task of object modeling is to graphically show what each object will do in the problem domain. The problem domain describes the structure and the relationship same among objects.

The online ticket reservation system makes use of the following classes:

1.Ticket reservation

It consists of twelve attributes and two operations. It records the details of every ticket booked such as ticket number, passenger ID, source and destination station and etc.

2.Train info

It stores the details of all the trains such as train number, train name, speed, source and destination stations, etc.

3.Passenger info

It consists of seven attributes and three operations. This class is used to store passenger details such as, passenger name, age, address and etc.

4.Seat avail status

This class is used to update the number of seats available for a particular train by using update Status()operation.

Class Diagram For E-Ticketing
Class Diagram For E-Ticketing

Interaction Diagram:

A sequence diagram represents the sequence and interactions of a given USE- CASE or scenario. Sequence diagrams can capture most of the information about the system. Most object to object interactions and operations are considered events and events include signals, inputs, decisions, interrupts, transitions and actions to or from users or external devices.

An event also is considered to be any action by an object that sends information. The event line represents a message sent from one object to another ,in which the “form” object is requesting an operation be performed by the “to” object. The “to” object performs the operation using a method that the class contains.

Collaboration Diagram For Employee
Collaboration Diagram For Employee

Deployment Diagram and Component Diagram

Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a system where the software components are deployed.

Deployment Diagram
Deployment Diagram