- 1. Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character stuffing and bit stuffing
- 2. Write a program to compute CRC code for the polynomials CRC-12, CRC-16 and CRC CCIP
- 3. Develop a simple data link layer that performs the flow control using the sliding window protocol, and loss recovery using the Go-Back-N mechanism.
- 4. Implement Dijsktra’s algorithm to compute the shortest path through a network
- 5. Take an example subnet of hosts and obtain a broadcast tree for the subnet
- 6. Implement distance vector routing algorithm for obtaining routing tables at each node
- 7. Implement data encryption and data decryption
- 8. Write a program for congestion control using Leaky bucket algorithm
- 9. Write a program for frame sorting technique used in buffers
10. Wireshark
i. Packet Capture Using Wire shark
ii. Starting Wire shark
iii. Viewing Captured Traffic
iv. Analysis and Statistics & Filters
- 12. Operating System Detection using Nmap
13. Do the following using NS2 Simulator
i. NS2 Simulator-Introduction
ii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped
iii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped by TCP/UDP
iv. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped due to Congestion
v. Simulate to Compare Data Rate& Throughput.
vi. Simulate to Plot Congestion for Different Source/Destination
vii. Simulate to Determine the Performance with respect to Transmission of Packets
AIM:How to run Nmap Scan
Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a free, open-source tool for vulnerability scanning and networkdiscovery. Network administrators use Nmap to identify what devices are running on their systems, discovering hosts that are available and the services they offer, finding open ports and detecting security risks
1. how to run nmap scan
To get started, download and install Nmap from the website and then launch a command prompt. Typing nmap [hostname] or nmap [ip_address] will initiate a default scan.