Artificial Intelligence Lab List of Experiments
- 1.Write a Program to Implement Breadth First Search using Python.
- 2.Write a Program to Implement Depth First Search using Python
- 3.Write a Program to Implement Tic-Tac-Toe game using Python.
- 4.Write a Program to Implement 8-Puzzle problem using Python.
- 5.Write a Program to Implement Water-Jug problem using Python.
- 6.Write a Program to Implement Travelling Salesman Problem using Python.
- 7.Write a Program to Implement Tower of Hanoi using Python
- 8.Write a Program to Implement Monkey Banana Problem using Python.
- 9.Write a Program to Implement Alpha-Beta Pruning using Python.
- 10.Write a Program to Implement 8-Queens Problem using Python.